Burrard Toastmasters
Vancouver's leading business-oriented public speaking club
Club Speeches

Evaluation Frames

From 'George's Eclectic Compendium o'Toastmasters Stuff

You can offer the speaker a piece of "PIE." The letters stand for:

  • Physical. What was the physical attributes of the speech? Cover gestures, vocal control, and other physical attributes.
  • Intellectual. What was the intellectual appeal? Cover any ideas the speech presented and how they were developed. 
  • Emotional. Did the speech appeal to your emotions? How well did the speaker use emotion to convey the message?

By using "PIE," you can offer the speaker a good evaluation, and offer the other listeners a good speech in the process! Simply add some opening comments, stir in appropriate notes to the speaker you are evaluating, and you will cook up a wonderful little speech.

Greek "Man"

The ancient Greeks thought a perfect man must develop in four areas: mentally, physically, emotionally, and socially. Try evaluating the speech using this frame.

  • Mentally. Did the speech appeal to the mind? Were there good ideas in the speech?
  • Physically. What was the physical speech like? Cover vocal control, gestures, and other physical attributes.
  • Emotionally. Did the speech appeal to the emotions? Was this appeal effective or was it distracting?
  • Socially. Speaking is a social event. How did the speaker react socially? Was there obvious stage fright? Did the speaker control the audience? Was the speech effective overall?

Again, by using this frame, you can develop a dynamite evaluation; but also have a good speech.

The Recipe

Tell the audience that you once baked a cake and had a wonderful experience (be quick, you only have a few minutes and your primary task is to evaluate the speaker). As you made the cake, you noticed:

  • Read the Directions. This reminds me of the intellectual part of the speech. Cover anything in the speech that appealed to your mind.
  • Added Ingredients. This is like a good speech. It has a lot of ingredients. Cover the emotional appeal of the speech and how those emotions were added to the intellectual points to make a "flavorful" speech.
  • Stirred the Batter. This reminds me of the physical speech. Cover gestures, voice control, and such topics here.
  • Ate the Cake. This is the "overall" speech. Was it effective? Did it "hit the spot?" 

Read other educational speeches